Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pathways in Yakima

I had to go there because of an domestic violence incident while I had had some wine.  It was blown way out of proportion, but that's the county I live in.  No one was hurt and it was a misunderstanding but, anyway....I had to go Yakima for alcohol treatment.  Ok.  Much better than spending months in jail.

While Pathways is no doubt one of the best rehab centers in the state, it has it's problems.  It is far from perfect but if you have to go somewhere, it may be the best there is available in Washington.  Those who go there are duo-diagnosis, meaning they are considered to have a mental or emotional illness in addition to a chemical dependency.  This is where Pathways excels.   They realize those who have depression or an organic brain problem need a special treatment.  So, if you fall into this group, this is the place to go.  If you are simply an addict, well, they will find that out very quickly.

Pathways offers very comfortable 2-person rooms with a private bathroom.  The food is excellent.  Good nutrition is a priority.  This is the luxery.  Patients are confronted by staff frequently--as a method to get them to face up to themselves.  It is often painful, not just for that person but for others to watch.

Graduation from the program depends upon each individual's progress.  There is no set time.  When the staff thinks someone is ready then they can gradate.  Most do not.  Most leave before this point.  Graduation rate is about 10% from what I saw from living there for 4 months.  Most addicts and alcoholics simply don't have the tolerance to put up with what is expected of them.  This is my observation and I bet the Pathways Staff would agree.

Many people turn to alcohol or drugs because they cannot handle frustration or other feelings.  How sad so many don't realize this and return to their escapist ways.  I honestly believe the Pathways staff wants to educate people upon this fact and help them learn other patterns.  Not easily done.

That said, anyone going to Pathways should have a little idea of what is expected of them from the above summary.  It is a caring place but it is tough....I suppose because addicts need toughness.

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